In my Advanced 2D Art class yesterday students started brainstorming their themes for the term. As I've done in the past, the class spent some time looking at art from throughout history and talking about the themes and subject matter that come up again and again. We discussed the difference between subject matter (person, building, animal) and themes (beauty, heroes, identity)...and thought about the big questions that artists have been asking for ages. After making a huge list of possible themes, students chose one, and created webs, some of which you see below.
I just love watching students make these webs. It's like a window into their mind. I did it with them and we talked as we worked about how and why certain ideas come up more than once in different sections of the web, and how my web about beauty would be very different from theirs. We talked about how helpful these webs will be as we try to work from ideas as a starting point, rather than materials, techniques, or processes. We will pull these webs out again and again as we move through the projects for the course. More to come...